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Make Paymentby submitting payment you agree to our terms and conditions

Terms and Conditions

Landlord has the right to inspect the premises with prior notice in accordance with applicable State laws. Should the Tenant(s) violate any of the terms of this agreement, the rental period shall be terminated immediately in accordance with State law. Tenant(s) waive all rights to process and pay fees if they fail to vacate the premises upon termination of the rental period. Tenant(s) shall vacate the premises at the expiration time and date of this agreement. The Tenant(s) shall maintain the premises in a good condition, and use the premises only in a careful and lawful manner. The Tenants shall behave in a civilized manner and shall be good neighbors respecting the rights of the surrounding property owners. The Tenants shall not create noise or disturbances likely to disturb or annoy the surrounding property owners. Creating a disturbance of the above nature shall be grounds for immediate termination of this agreement and Tenants shall then immediately vacate the premises. Any and all noise must be kept to a minimum each night beginning at 8 PM. Any and all forms of smoking shall not be permitted on the Property. There shall be no refunds of rents due to shortened stays or ruined expectations because of weather conditions or other such conditions. Tenant(s) shall use the property for legal purposes only and other use, such as but not limited to, illegal drug use, abuse of any person, harboring fugitives, etc. shall cause termination of this Agreement with no refund of rents or deposits. Valuable items left behind by Tenant(s) will be held with every reasonable effort made to contact in order for a safe return. If items are not claimed for longer than 6 months they shall become the property of the Landlord. Landlord shall not be held liable for the condition of said items left by the Tenant(s). In the event that Landlord cancels or terminates the Agreement during the duration of the Rental Period and requires Tenant to vacate the premises for reasons unrelated to Acts of God, force majeure or any illegal conduct on the part of the Tenant,  Landlord shall return the pro rata portion of the sum paid by the Tenant for the remainder of the Rental Period. In the event that Landlord deems the premises to have been left in poor condition, Landlord shall notify Tenant within forty-eight (48) hours after the expiration of the Rental Period regarding any concerns of the premises having been left in poor condition, including photos. Tenant agrees to respond within forty-eight (48) hours and act in good faith to timely resolve any concerns regarding the premises having been left in poor condition, including via payment if appropriate and at fault.